In the AIP2016 schedule, you can't set a full backup for a specific week number, like only on the first Friday. Similarly, you can't specify incremental backups for different weeks. Also, the shutdown backup function doesn't allow setting full or incremental backups for specific weekdays, such as every Friday. To address these limitations, you can use the script provided in this article.
If you use a shutdown script
If the complete backup exceeds 15 minutes, raise the timeout value for the corresponding Group Policy service.
1) Right click the following key to change permission.
2) Permissions — Advanced — Change owner from SYSTEM to login user.
3) Add your account to permission and full control.
4) Change this value.
PreshutdownTimeout 900000 —> 43200000
* 43200000 = 12 hours.
Change this value according to the environment.
5) Add the “MMC — Add or Remove Snap-ins — Group Policy Object Editor”.
6) Open the “Computer Configuration — Administrative Template — System — Scripts”.
7) Change the following two settings:
– Maximum wait time for Group Policy scripts
Options: Seconds: 0
– Run shutdown scripts visible
8) Add the script in “Computer Configuration — Windows Settings — Scripts — Shutdown”.
9) Run the cmd.exe and then run gpupdate.
How to use script
1) Save the script, and then decompress it.
2) Set up a backup schedule using AIP2016 in advance.
* Avoid spaces in the task name.
* Any backup schedule can be used.
* Remember the Task name created.
* When running the schedule with Task Scheduler, switch the AIP2016 schedule to "Pause Schedule."
3) Create a task with Task Scheduler or set up the shutdown script.
* In the script argument, input the Task name for the full backup, along with the day of the week and week number. Use the assigned numbers for each day: Sun=1, Mon=2, Tue=3, Wed=4, Thu=5, Fri=6, Sat=7.
About the arguments:
Argument1: Specify a profile name without INC.
Argument2: Day of the week
Argument3: Week number
* If you're unsure about the Task name in argument 1, verify it using the following command:
cd C:Program Files (x86)Actiphy ActiveImage Protector
> aipcontrol profiles
-Argument example: job 7 1
Perform a full backup on Saturday of the first week. On other days and different week numbers, execute incremental backups.
-Argument example: job 1
Perform a full backup every Sunday, and on other days of the week, conduct incremental backups.
-Argument example: job
If the argument contains only the Task name, an incremental backup will be executed.
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