Generate support information for the managed client through ActiveVisor's console. This feature is available for Windows client machines only. For managed Linux clients, log in to the Linux OS, refer to the provided Help, and follow the operating procedures to generate the support information.
Operating Procedures
1) Open ActiveVisor's console and choose the specific client from the managed list to generate its support information.
2) Right-click on the client, then choose [Generate Support Info] from the menu that appears.
3) The support information file is created in the following path on ActiveVisor host.
C:Program Files (x86)ActiphyActiveVisorAIPClients<Host Name>AIPDatasAIP-SupportInfo-yyyyMMddHHmmss
4) Send the generated support information file to the email address mentioned in the "Technical Support Service Contract – Terms and Conditions."
Target Product
– ActiveVisor
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