ActiveImage Protector offers a command line interface. This article explains the command syntax for running backup or restore tasks from the command line, with variations in the install path depending on the operating system.
Default path on Windows
C:Program Files (x86)<Actiphy or NetJapan>ActiveImage ProtectorAipControl.exe
Default path on Linux
/opt/<Actiphy or NetJapan>/aipcontrol
Run backup task by using the specified profile.
Before running a backup task, you need to configure the schedule setting.
1) Profile Name
* Same as schedule name.
Command Syntax: profiles
> cd C:Program Files (x86)<Actiphy or NetJapan>ActiveImage Protector > aipcontrol profiles Actiphy Controller [Version] job ----Full backup profile name jobINC ----Incremental backup profile name
2) Run backup task
Command Syntax: createimage <Profile Name >
> cd C:Program Files (x86)<Actiphy or NetJapan>ActiveImage Protector > aipcontrol createimage job ---->Full backup task is executed. > aipcontrol createimage jobINC ---->Incremental backup task is executed.
Batch processing to run incremental backup task 30 seconds later
@echo off cd C:Program Files (x86)ActiphyActiveImage Protector setlocal enableDelayedExpansion for /l %%N in (30 -1 1) do ( set /a "min=%%N/60, sec=%%N%%60, n-=1" if !sec! lss 10 set sec=0!sec! cls choice /c:CY1 /n /m "Do you want to run backup task? !min!:!sec! - Press "Y" to run backup task immediately or "C" to cancel." /t:1 /d:1 if not errorlevel 3 goto :break ) cls echo Do you want to run backup task? 0:00 - Press "Y" to immediately run backup task or "C" to cancel. :break if errorlevel 2 ( aipcontrol createimage JobINC )
Run restore task
Command Syntax: restoredisk <Image File Name> <Destination disk> diskmeta
Restore a disk from a specific image file.
* Incorrectly specifying the destination in the command syntax may result in data overwriting. It is advisable to use the GUI for executing restore tasks.
Boot Environment (WinPE-based)
1) When specifying NAS as the destination, provide credential information for authentication using the following command syntax: networkuser <Host Name> <User Name> <Password>
> cd x:Program FilesActiphyActiveImage Protector > aipcontrol networkuser srv20administrator password123
2) Restore by disk
> aipcontrol restoredisk srv20sharew2012@test_d00_00001.aiv disk0 diskmeta
No credential information is required for authentication when the backup image is on a local drive.
> cd x:Program FilesActiphyActiveImage Protector > aipcontrol restoredisk z:w2012@test_d00_00001.aiv disk0 diskmeta
Boot Environment (CentOS-based)
1) Ensure that the shared folder is mounted when the backup image is located on a NAS.
mount -t cifs // /mnt -o user=administrator,password=test1234
2) Restore by disk.
# cd /opt/BE # aipcontrol restoredisk /mnt/backup/w2012@test_d00_00001.aiv disk0 diskmeta
Target Product
– ActiveImage Protector 2018
- ActiveImage Protector 2022
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