Creating a boot environment using BE Builder is not supported in an environment with an earlier version of ActiveImage Protector installed. If you attempt to build a boot environment in such an environment, you will see the following message, and BE Builder will not function.
---This application does not run on your PC.--- ☓ For more detailed information about the supported versions of the application that can run on your PC, please inquire the software publisher. [OK] -----------------------------------------------
BE Builder is an add-on tool included with ActiveImage Protector 2022. Its design is such that, upon installation of ActiveImage Protector, the binary located in the install path is built in. However, this design may lead to the inclusion of the binary from an earlier version of ActiveImage Protector in the WinPE-based boot environment, causing the BE Builder to be disabled.
1) Install BE Builder in an environment without ActiveImage Protector.
2) Install BE Builder ( or later) in an environment with ActiveImage Protector 2022 installed.
Target Product
– Actiphy Boot Environment Builder
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