Uninstalling ActiveImage Protector may fail if a new NFS share is created on the image target server and Windows reboots without unmounting the NFS share.
Please use the following operating procedures.
1) Launch AIP console and unmount the existing target in Image Target Server window.
2) Select AIP install path in Windows Explorer.
The previously mounted nfs folder exists in the following configuration.
ImageTargetServer\host name-time stamp\
ImageTargetServer\host name-time stamp\AIXFile
ImageTargetServer\host name-time stamp\VDisk
Follow these steps:
1. Manually delete the [VDisk] folder.
2. Subsequently, delete the [host name-time stamp] folder.
Note: It is essential to delete the folders in this specific order; otherwise, the files under VDisk may not be deleted.
After completing these steps, ensure the ImageTargetServer folder is empty to allow the uninstallation of AIP. If the ImageTargetServer folder is not empty, the uninstallation of AIP will fail.
Target Product
- ActiveImage Protector 2022
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