Installing ActiveImage Protector 2022 Linux on CentOS 7.0/7.1 is supported with limitations due to issues with the respective packages.
If using CentOS 7.x, we recommend you use CentOS 7.2 or later,
CentOS 7.0
- Installing of the GUI is not supported, only the agent can be installed.
*Update of systemd is essential for installing the GUI, however, an unrecoverable blackout occurs when updating systemd.
- Offline installation of the GUI (using OS installation DVD) is not supported. only the agent can be installed.
*Offline installation of the required packages is not supported due to package dependency issues.
- Full installation is supported in an environment with a persistent internet connection.
・When installing the required package for the GUI in an environment with an internet connection, due to a bug in the yum command of CentOS 7.1, redhat-release is upgraded to Version 7.9. As a result, while the system is Version 7.1, redhat-release is Version 7.9, negatively affecting the subsequent yum command execution. Therefore, we recommend that you install 7.2 or a later OS.
Target Product
- ActiveImage Protector 2022 Linux Update 2
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