When a casting task fails with an error, sometimes the client sends a log record to the server, but not always. If the client's error log record is not found on the server, please follow these steps on the client.
Operating Procedures
1) Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [c] keys, start command prompt and run "diskpart" command.
X:\Program Files\ActiveImageProtector> diskpart
2) To create space for saving support information in the ImageCast client media, run "diskpart" and allocate a new partition in the available space.
list disk(Lists up the entire drives on the computer.)
select disk n("n" indicates the disk number assigned to USB.)
create partition primary size=n("n" indicates the partition size. Unit: MB)
assign letter=U(Here, "U" represents the character to be allodated to a new partition.)
format fs=ntfs quick(The new partition is ntfs-formatted to normally use the partition.)
list volume(Please ensure that the new volume is recognized as (U:).)
3) End "diskpart" and run SupportInfo.exe to obtain the support information.
Command Details
SupportInfo.exe <full-path folder name> <support information file name>
Ex. Creating the support information file "" in (U:)
X:\Program Files\ActiveImageProtector> SupportInfo.exe U:\ supportinfo
When creating the support information file, you may encounter command errors like "msinfo32, systeminfo, vssadmin," which cannot be used in the boot environment. However, despite these errors, the file will still be created once the prompt appears.
Target Product
- Actiphy Rapid Deploy ImageCast Server
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