Incremental backup of a source disk after expansion results in Error -603 and fails to run normally.
Log records
07/02/2024 05:25:00.860 Entering GetTrackingDate
07/02/2024 05:25:00.860 OCB::Cache Name: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy6\$AIPMAP.CBT
07/02/2024 05:25:00.965 read: 100663296
07/02/2024 05:25:01.376 OCB::ReadFile Bitmap Cache: expected 100663296, got 65536000 Level = ERROR[0]
07/02/2024 05:25:01.382 CD2::Open cache file error: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy6 Level = ERROR[0]
07/02/2024 05:25:01.382 Leaving GetTrackingDate
07/02/2024 05:25:01.382 #### ERROR GetTrackingDate(si, &pCacheAIPMap) @ C:\Gitlab-Runner\builds\rzVgP-QGf\0\actiphy\activeimage-protector\Core\AipCopy\ABSourceToImage.cpp(1163): -603 Level = ERROR[0]
07/02/2024 05:25:01.382 #### ERROR SetVolumeInfo() @ C:\Gitlab-Runner\builds\rzVgP-QGf\0\actiphy\activeimage-protector\Core\AipCopy\ABSourceToImage.cpp(1006): -603 Level = ERROR[0]
07/02/2024 05:25:01.382 Close image: e:\13abea27-fd74-4f16-a046-78714879494f_WIN2022VTOCTEST\13ABEA27-FD74-4F16-A046-78714879494F_6430325F30303030325F6930303030312D3030303031.aii
07/02/2024 05:25:01.382 Close image done
07/02/2024 05:25:02.021 {IDS_STRING3018}Exit Code: -603
07/02/2024 05:25:02.021 [-603] Source volume is not being tracked
07/02/2024 05:25:02.053 {IDS_STRING3013}Processed 0.00 GB in 00:00:28 ID=1719897872; {IDS_STRING3019}6 Errors; {IDS_STRING3009}There were errors during the operation.
This is a known issue.
When using Changed Block Tracking Mode, the $AIPMAP.CBT file is created to track changes in the backup source volumes.
After resizing the disk, the bitmap information is updated, and the incremental chain restarts from a full backup. The full backup succeeds, but the following incremental backup fails with Error -603 because the $AIPMAP.CBT file is not updated.
Disable and re-enable the schedule in the AIP console. The incremental chain will run normally after the next full backup.
Target Product
- ActiveImage Protector 2022
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