When Hyper-V guest checkpoints are disabled in a non-RCT environment (like 1st generation VMs), HyperBack will always fail. This failure is recorded in the log.
08/06/2024 04:54:43.610 Creating snapshot...
08/06/2024 04:54:43.610 Take snapshot
08/06/2024 04:54:43.657 NJInitializeVMAndPrepareBackup g_utfLogFilePath=C:\Program Files\Actiphy\ActiveImage Protector\logs\VMBackup\W22GT01_cent7x_Backup_20240806_1103\1722920069.log
08/06/2024 04:54:43.657 ConvertStdVMBaseInfoToStdVMBaseInfoInline 001 bIsOverWindows10=1,u8HostSystemString=true
08/06/2024 04:54:49.184 CreateVMSnapshotAndGetSnapshotDiskPath no RCT 0024 error iRet=-2147467259,iSnapshotType=2
08/06/2024 04:54:49.184 ret=0x7006
08/06/2024 04:54:49.184 NJHyperVInitializeVMAndPrepareBackup return error 0X7006 Level = ERROR[183]
08/06/2024 04:55:20.928 Call NJHyperVVMCloseVMInitialize
08/06/2024 04:55:20.928 {IDS_STRING3018}Exit Code: 28678
08/06/2024 04:55:20.928 [28678] Unknown AIP error
08/06/2024 04:55:20.990 {IDS_STRING3013}Processed 0.00 GB in 00:00:50 ID=1722920069; {IDS_STRING3019}5 Errors; {IDS_STRING3009}There were errors during the operation.
Since Hyper-V's Windows API uses the checkpoint feature, the checkpoint creation process fails, causing the HyperBackup task to error out.
Please enable checkpoints for the target Hyper-V guest.
In RCT-enabled environments (like second-generation VMs), HyperBack can still create a valid checkpoint (VG_Recovery_XXXXX) even if the target guest's checkpoints are disabled. The created image will be valid and usable.
Target Product
- ActiveImage Protector 2022
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