When a shadow copy abort error occurs, the file backup task completes, but the backup image is not normally created.
Error Message
Event ID: 36
Event Source: VolSnap
Event Type: Error
Event Details: The shadow copies of volume C: were aborted because the shadow copy
storage could not grow due to a user-imposed limit.
Task Log
12/24/2024 06:27:23.711 ExecuteCMDOperate 001 u32Length=13347
12/24/2024 06:27:23.711 InitFileBackupParameter InitInnerObjects
12/24/2024 06:27:23.711 InitFileBackupParameter bIsNeedVSS=0
12/24/2024 06:27:23.711 InitFileBackupParameter init file backup
12/24/2024 06:27:23.714 InitFileBackupParameter Connect Net
12/24/2024 06:27:23.714 InitFileBackupParameter Finish u32Return=0x0
12/24/2024 06:27:23.714 Start calculate data size
12/24/2024 06:27:23.734 ExecuteCMDOperate need backup size i64BackupDataSize=818124331118
12/24/2024 06:27:23.734 ExecuteCMDOperate Backup Start
12/24/2024 06:32:02.655 WriteFileBackupTapeRecord,m_u32MediaType=0,IsTapeFull=0
12/24/2024 06:32:02.655 ExecuteCMDOperate Backup end u32Return=0x0
12/24/2024 06:32:02.659 ExecuteCMDOperate 006 u64DataSize=10787749888
12/24/2024 06:32:02.665 ExecuteCMDOperate backup finish u32Return=0x0
12/24/2024 06:32:02.665 ExecuteBackup 022 001 Execute AFB Backup u32Return=0x0
12/24/2024 06:32:02.665 {IDS_STRING22004}Backup complete
12/24/2024 06:32:05.597 {IDS_STRING22005}Processed 10.05 GB in 00:04:41 ID=1735021594; {IDS_STRING22009}No Errors; {IDS_STRING22008}Operation completed successfully.
→ The shadow copy fails and aborts, but the backup task completes. The resulting backup image is not valid.
This is a known issue.
Resize the maximum shadow copy storage to prevent Volsnap Error 36.
This issue was fixed in Version
Target Product
- ActiveImage Protector 2022
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