Exit Code -601 occurs on backup.
— Windows Edition – log excerpt —
03/21/2018 16:20:55.230 CTrackingDriverCommunicator::SetControlCode(0) failed Level=ERROR [1]
03/21/2018 16:20:55.230 #### ERROR Stop() @ Tracking.cpp(324): -601 Level=ERROR [1]
03/21/2018 16:20:55.230 Leaving CTrackingVolume::InitTracking
03/21/2018 16:20:55.230 #### ERROR tv.InitTracking(bpEx.m_utf8AbsoluteTargetName.ToWide().c_str(), bpEx.m_SrcDisks) @ Tracking.cpp(888): -601 Level=ERROR [1]
03/21/2018 16:20:55.230 #### ERROR InitTracking(bpEx) @ Snapshot.cpp(456): -601 Level=ERROR [1]
03/21/2018 16:21:55.257 Call RzmDeleteAllTempCacheFiles
03/21/2018 16:21:55.614 {IDS_STRING3018}Exit Code: -601
Exit Code: -601
The sector tracking driver is not installed
Windows system doesn't restart after installing ActiveImage Protector.
● ActiveImage Protector 2018 or earlier
Please restart the Windows system.
● ActiveImage Protector 2022
The tracking driver fails to unload during ActiveImage Protector uninstallation, leading to backup task failures with Exit Code -601.
1) Install ActiveImage Protector 2022
2) Create a task
3) Re-install ActiveImage Protector 2022
4) Restart the Windows system
This issue is fixed with the installer for ActiveImage Protector 2022
Reinstallation of ActiveImage Protector 2022 is not required after the above step 4).
The program behaves the same as described above when the settings are retained, which means that the first full or incremental backup task that runs will include the difference as a result of a Reconciled task, and the task after will run according to their predefined schedule.
Target Products
・ActiveImage Protector 2018 ~update6 ( or earlier is used
・ActiveImage Protector 2022 is used and Sector Tracking Driver mode is selected
・ActiveImage Protector Windows edition
Published: 2018/08/31
Updated: 2024/02/26
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