Knowledge Base
- Backup schedule and retention policy
- Steps to unmount the file when File Recovery task did not normally complete
- Deactivating Two Licenses and Creating a Single License File
- Online backup fails with LanScope enabled
- Display VM name in the email notification title for agentless backup tasks
- Windows RE on a disk other than Disk0 is not detected
- Failed to create boot environment with ADK in Windows 11 24H2
- A file backup fails with a volsnap error but usually completes, resulting in an invalid backup image
- Keeping the ActiveImage Protector console open uses significant memory
- If you use anti-virus software with Actiphy products, exclude certain folders from virus scans
- Two AIP task tray icons appear in Windows Taskbar Setting
- Restore using ActiveImage Protector by selecting a differential backup file created with HyperBoot
- After a bare metal recovery or OS cloning of an LVM-based RHEL 9.x system, it boots into emergency mode
- Enable Deduplication Compression to reduce backup size further
- Use this account to register the Hyper-V host for HyperBack
- Impact when a full backup is created by executing incremental backup task in boot environment
- Tips for using multiple USB-based RDX data cartridges
- Differences in ActiveImage Protector's backup methods
- Some client statuses are not updated
- Activating a guest virtual machine and running HyperBack tasks both fail to execute in Version
- Manually deleting snapshot files in Linux Edition
- Deploy USB doesn't recognize all USB HDDs when multiple devices with the same serial number are connected simultaneously
- After a patch or upgrade, the "Changed Block Tracking Mode" in [Preference] - [Backup Settings] resets to the default "Tracking Driver Mode"
- The ImageCast client PC is running Windows, but its status shows as "Offline"
- When importing Deploy target list, the client label name is not loaded
- The requirements for enabling [Shut-down Windows system using authentication information]
- Updating Deploy target list
- When PXE Deploy settings are changed during the casting process
- Client Label
- Shut down the ImageCast client PC