Consider the following when upgrading to ActiveImage Protector 2018 Update7/2022 or later from an earlier version. For Linux Edition, no system restart is needed during the upgrade. Refer to the Technical Documentation, including "Readme" and other relevant documents for each version. If you're using Windows Edition, please read the following.
Upgrading from the earlier version of AIP 2022 to the latest version
Set up and upgrade the product.
Migration of the schedule settings configured by using the earlier version is supported.
System restart is not required.
P.S. 08/24/2022
If you encounter issues during the upgrade from an earlier version, uninstall the previous version ( and proceed to install the latest version.
If upgrading Cluster Edition fails while a task is running, wait for the task to finish, and then try the upgrade again. [OK]
When upgrading from to, the upgrade is successful without displaying the mentioned message.
Upgrading from AIP 2018 Update 7 to AIP2022
Enable the option to retain configuration and log files, uninstall the earlier version, and install the latest version. No system restart is needed.
Backup tasks and HyperBackup schedule settings can be migrated, but other schedule settings must be reconfigured.
Note that backup image files from earlier versions are not automatically deleted due to changes in naming rules. You must manually delete these files.
The following symptoms are observed.
・ During the update, you might encounter the following messages. If you attempt to install AIP2022 without uninstalling AIP 2018 Update 7, the installation will fail with the displayed message.
Upgrade may fail in environments where the product is installed using the MSI installer. [OK]
This is a known issue. This issue will be fixed in a future installer.
Upgrading to ActiveImage Protector 2018 Update7 from an earlier version
- ActiveImage Protector 2018 Update 6 or earlier
Install and upgrade the product. Schedule settings from the earlier version are supported for migration to the upgraded version. A system restart is necessary.
The following symptoms are observed.
・ Do not install ActiveImage Protector 2022 without uninstalling ActiveImage Protector 2018 update 6 or earlier. Failure to uninstall the earlier version may result in a message hidden behind the installer window. Press Alt+Tab or click the icon in the taskbar to reveal the message.
Uninstall NSIS Aip failed: The specified file cannot be found. [OK]
Or, BSOD may occur as follows.
Details of failure:Aip2.SYS
If both ActiveImage Protector 2018 and 2022 appear in the Control Panel, uninstall AIP2018, restart the system, and then install AIP2022. If the installation of either ActiveImage Protector 2018 or 2022 fails, download the AIP 2018 uninstaller from here, double-click "uninstaller.exe" to remove AIP2018, restart Windows OS, and proceed to install ActiveImage Protector.
*When upgrading from ActiveImage Protector 2018 Update 6 or earlier to ActiveImage Protector 2022, system restart is required for one time after uninstallation of Update 6 or earlier.
When the schedule settings are migrated, go to Dashboard in AIP Console, right-click the existing task, select Edit and finish without making any changes.
When the scheduled task fails in Error -601 after editing the schedule settings, please delete the schedule and create again.
- When using an online product key for ActiveImage Protector 2016/2016 R2
When upgrading to AIP2018, using the setup and upgrade package.
Migration of Schedule settings to the upgraded version is supported.
A system restart is required upon completion of the upgrade.
When upgrading to AIP2022, please uninstall the earlier version, restart the system and install AIP2022. If the [Retaining configuration and log files] option is selected with the earlier version, the settings are migrated. However, if the scheduled tasks do not properly behave after installing , please reconfigure the schedule settings.
- When using an offline product key for ActiveImage Protector 2016/2016 R2
When upgrading to AIP2018,as the product key needs to be changed, please enable [Retaining configuration and log files] option, uninstall the earlier version and install the later version.
A system restart is required after uninstallation process completed.
When upgrading to AIP2022, please uninstall the earlier version, restart the system and install AIP2022. If the [Retaining configuration and log files] option is enabled with the earlier version, the settings are migrated. However, if scheduled tasks do not properly behave after installing, please reconfigure the schedule settings.
- ActiveImage Protector 3.5
After uninstalling, install the latest version. A system restart is required after uninstallation. You'll need to configure new schedule settings.
Target Product
- ActiveImage Protector 2018/2022
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