Backing up a virtual machine with deduplication compression enabled on Hyper-V, while using dynamic memory, may fail due to low memory or result in significantly slow performance.
1) Case of Exit -311.
com exception caught(0x8007000e) in VssStart
{IDS_STRING3018}Exit Code: -311
2) Case of Exit -601.
OCB::Cache Name: \?GLOBALROOTDeviceHarddiskVolumeShadowCopyx$AIPMAP
OCB::ReadFile Bitmap Cache 3276800 Level=ERROR [1453]
CD2::Open cache file error: \?GLOBALROOTDeviceHarddiskVolumeShadowCopyx Level=ERROR [1453]
{IDS_STRING3018}Exit Code: -601
ActiveImage Protector does not endorse memory expansion during backup execution with dynamic memory. It identifies the initially allocated free memory for the virtual machine and aims to operate within that limit. In scenarios with extensive data and high deduplication rates, enabling backup with deduplication compression can deplete the virtual machine's allocated physical memory, leading to backup failures or significantly slow performance.
Switch to static memory and ensure that the available physical memory is set to 8 GB or higher.
Use the following command to check free memory space.
> typeperf “MemoryAvailable MBytes”
Target Product
– ActiveImage Protector 2016 R2 / 2018 Windows Edition
– ActiveImage Protector 4 / 5
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