If the connection to the destination is lost during backup and writing of the image file fails, it outputs Exit Code: -702.
* Posted sample log, when destination is NAS.
– Windows Edition
— log excerpt —
03/12/2018 04:45:04.313 actual threadcount 4
03/12/2018 04:45:04.313 actual packet_queue_size 4
03/12/2018 04:46:34.708 CAipFileBase WriteFile(3900000, e3000) error(112) Level=ERROR [112]
03/12/2018 04:46:34.709 handling block 28044, offset 1069170688, write file failed(0x2400000, 1978368) Level=ERROR [112]
03/12/2018 04:46:34.709 The Disk is Full
03/12/2018 04:46:34.709 ##### Pipe line encounter ERROR: 15, last error code:112, 28044 Level=ERROR [0]
03/12/2018 04:46:34.709 ###### something wrong during run pipe line
03/12/2018 04:46:45.305 {IDS_STRING3085}Create a image complete 03/12/2018 04:46:45.305 {IDS_STRING3018}Exit Code: -702
03/12/2018 04:46:45.308 {IDS_STRING3013}Processed 1.76 GB in 00:02:45 ID=1520829839; {IDS_STRING3019}3 Errors; {IDS_STRING3009}There were errors during the operation.
– Linux Edition
— log excerpt(SMB mount) —
03/12/2018 04:54:44.612 actual threadcount 5
03/12/2018 04:54:44.612 actual packet_queue_size 5
03/12/2018 04:55:07.961 handling block 31680, offset 1069481970, write file failed(0xf5293000, 2084864) Level=ERROR [0]
03/12/2018 04:55:07.962 ##### Pipe line encounter ERROR: 11, last error code:0, 31680 Level=ERROR [0]
03/12/2018 04:55:07.964 ###### something wrong during run pipe line
03/12/2018 04:55:07.964 BackupVolumeImpl failed -559
03/12/2018 04:55:09.245 {IDS_STRING3167}Complete task 1001, 1, exit code -559
03/12/2018 04:55:09.341 {IDS_STRING3190}Copy engine fails with error: [-559] Error writing to file Level=ERROR [2]
03/12/2018 04:55:09.595 {IDS_STRING3013}Processed 1.90 GB in 00:00:45 ID=1520830463; {IDS_STRING3019}3 Errors; {IDS_STRING3009}There were errors during the operation.
— log excerpt(cifs mount) —
03/12/2018 05:12:09.082 actual threadcount 5
03/12/2018 05:12:09.082 actual packet_queue_size 5
03/12/2018 05:12:33.792 handling block 31680, offset 1069445120, write file failed(0xf42f7000, 2084864) Level=ERROR [28]
03/12/2018 05:12:33.792 The Disk is Full
03/12/2018 05:12:33.792 ##### Pipe line encounter ERROR: 15, last error code:28, 31680 Level=ERROR [0]
03/12/2018 05:12:33.809 ###### something wrong during run pipe line
03/12/2018 05:12:33.809 BackupVolumeImpl failed -702
03/12/2018 05:12:33.810 Delete temp image file /mnt/all_centos_cent74lvm_00001.aiv.tmp
03/12/2018 05:12:34.892 {IDS_STRING3167}Complete task 1002, 1, exit code -702
03/12/2018 05:12:34.932 {IDS_STRING3190}Copy engine fails with error: [-702] Disk is full Level=ERROR [2]
03/12/2018 05:12:35.286 {IDS_STRING3013}Processed 1.90 GB in 00:00:45 ID=1520831509; {IDS_STRING3019}3 Errors; {IDS_STRING3009}There were errors during the operation.
Exit Code: -702
Disk full
Exit code list
More information
– Windows Edition
There is the following Windows system error:
Level=ERROR [112]
There is not enough space on the disk.
Level=ERROR [xx] is a Windows system error, please refer to Windows system error code.
-Linux Edition
When using an SMB mount, a Linux system error won't be returned. Thus, it's important to investigate the cause of the Exit Code.
For cifs mount, Linux system error will be returned.
Level=ERROR [28]
ENOSPC 28 No space left on device
Level=ERROR [xx] is a Linux system error, please refer to Linux system error code.
# cat /usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h
# cat /usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h
Please increase the disk capacity of the target location or adjust the retention policy.
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