When Backup tasks fail, error codes are returned.
NOTE: -88880001 to -88880199 are reserved for push install.
Error code | Description | |
AIP_OK | 0 | No error. |
AIP_MORE_DATA | 1 | Data did not all fit in the pipe. |
AIP_CANCEL | -1 | Operation cancelled by user. |
AIP_PARTIAL_SUCCESS | -2 | Partial success. |
AIP_SKIP_TASK | -3 | skip task. |
AIP_BAD_COMMAND | -99 | Invalid command to service. |
AIP_BAD_PARAM | -101 | Bad parameter(s) to the Service. |
AIP_PIPE_ERROR | -103 | Service not installed or enabled. |
AIP_PIPE_BUSY | -105 | All pipes are busy. |
AIP_PIPE_READ_ERROR | -107 | Error reading pipe. |
AIP_DISABLED_ERROR | -111 | Service disabled. |
AIP_ACCESS_ERROR | -115 | Access denied to service. |
AIP_BUF_TOO_SMALL | -117 | Buffer was too small to hold data. |
AIP_COPY_ENGINE | -121 | Copy Engine failed to start. |
AIP_BAD_CONFIG_PARAM | -131 | No such AIP.ini configuration parameter. |
AIP_INVALID_VALUE | -133 | Invalid configuration value. |
AIP_CONFIG_WRITE | -135 | Can’t write to AIP.ini. |
AIP_CONFIG_PARAM_EMPTY | -137 | AIP.ini configuration parameter is empty. |
AIP_NO_SCHEDULE | -141 | No matching schedule found. |
AIP_WINDOWSUPDATE_RUNNING | -150 | Windows update is running. |
AIP_USBHDD_UNPLUGGED | -151 | USB HDD destination unplugged. |
AIP_TASK_NOT_FOUND | -161 | Task not found. |
AIP_TASK_PENDING | -162 | Task is pending. |
AIP_TASK_RUNNING | -163 | Task is running. |
AIP_NO_DRIVE | -201 | No drive found. |
AIP_REMOVABLE_DRIVE | -203 | Removable drive found. |
AIP_UNSUPPORTED_DRIVE | -205 | Unsupported drive found. |
AIP_NO_VOLUME | -211 | No volume mounted on device. |
AIP_DEVICE_INUSE | -213 | Device has volume mounted. |
AIP_ALREADY_MOUNTED | -215 | Volume already mounted. |
AIP_VOLUME_INUSE | -217 | Volume in-use – cannot lock. |
AIP_PARTITION_ERROR | -231 | Error getting or setting drive partition. |
AIP_NO_PARTITION_ERROR | -233 | Error no partition in drive layout. |
AIP_NO_EXT_PARTITION_ERROR | -235 | Error no extended partition in drive layout. |
AIP_NO_LOGICAL_PARTITION_ERR | -237 | Error no logical partitions in drive layout. |
AIP_NO_DEL_SYSTEM_PARTITION | -239 | Error delete a system partition. |
AIP_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS | -241 | Many partitions on a disk. |
AIP_TOO_MANY_DISKS | -243 | Many disks on a system. |
AIP_INVALID_DISK_INFO | -245 | Invalid disk info. |
AIP_DISKSIZE_CHANGE | -246 | Disk size change. |
AIP_BAD_PROFILE | -301 | Invalid Profile. |
AIP_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND | -303 | Profile file not found. |
AIP_STRING_TOO_LONG | -305 | Profile string too long. |
AIP_PROFILE_WRITE | -307 | Can’t write to profile. |
AIP_PROFILE_NAME | -309 | Invalid profile name. |
AIP_VSS_ERROR | -311 | Could not start VSS. |
AIP_SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND | -312 | snapshot not found. |
AIP_VSS_IN_PROCESS | -313 | other snapshot in process. |
AIP_SNPAHOST_READ_ERROR | -314 | read snapshot error. |
AIP_SCRIPT_ERROR | -321 | Error running script. |
AIP_LAUNCH_PROCESS_ERROR | -330 | launch a program but failed. |
AIP_UNSUPPORT_CLIENTVERSION | -331 | Unsupported Client Version. |
AIP_REPLICATION_ERROR | -340 | Do replication error. |
AIP_REPLICATION_NOSPACE | -341 | Not enough free space on target. |
AIP_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND | -401 | Image file not found. |
AIP_PATH_NOT_FOUND | -403 | Path to image file not found. |
AIP_ACCESS_DENIED | -405 | Access denied to image file. |
AIP_CHUNK_NOT_FOUND | -407 | Image chunk not found. |
AIP_BAD_VERSION | -409 | Image file version unsupported. |
AIP_BAD_MAGIC | -411 | Bad magic in image file – probably not an image file. |
AIP_IMAGE_CORRUPT | -413 | Image corrupt or truncated. |
AIP_INVALID_PASSWORD | -415 | Image password is not correct. |
AIP_INVALID_NAME | -417 | Image name is invalid. |
AIP_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND | -419 | Device not found. Is aip.sys installed? |
AIP_DRIVE_EXISTS | -421 | Mount attempted on existing drive. |
AIP_DRIVER_ERROR | -423 | Mount failed. |
AIP_NO_DEVICE | -425 | All devices in use. |
AIP_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND | -427 | Restore target volume not found. |
AIP_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND | -429 | Restore source volume in image not found. |
AIP_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL | -431 | Restore target volume too small. |
AIP_VOLUME_SIZE | -433 | Restore target volume wrong size. |
AIP_IMAGE_MODIFIED | -435 | The base image of a differential has been modified. |
AIP_IMAGE_DEPENDENT | -437 | The image could not be mounted writable because it has dependent images. |
AIP_IMAGE_INUSED | -438 | The image is used. |
AIP_IMAGE_MISSING | -439 | A dependent incremental image is missing or inaccessible. |
AIP_IMAGE_UNSUPPORTED | -440 | Unsupported image file |
AIP_NO_DRIVE_LETTER | -441 | Could not assign a drive letter to a volume. |
AIP_IMAGE_SAME_GUID | -442 | Same GUID image already selected |
AIP_CREATE_VOL_ERROR | -443 | Error creating new target volume. |
AIP_ERROR_DYNAMIC_DISK | -445 | Cannot use Restore Disk to restore a Dynamic Disk. |
AIP_ERROR_DYNAMIC_NTFS | -447 | Source volume must be NTFS to restore to a Dynamic Disk. |
AIP_VOLUME_MODIFIED | -449 | The size of volume has changed since base image was created. |
AIP_INVALID_SOURCE | -451 | The source for an Incremental or Differential image does not match the base image. |
AIP_CACHE_FILE_ERROR | -452 | $AIPMAP missing. |
AIP_CI_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND | -455 | Create source volume or disk in computer not found. |
AIP_UNSUPPORTED_FILESYSTEM | -456 | Unsupported image file system. |
AIP_NOT_DIRECTORY | -457 | The remote path is not a directory. |
AIP_CONNECTION_REFUSED | -459 | Connection to remote path refused. |
AIP_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY | -461 | Directory not empty. |
AIP_COPY_FAILED | -463 | Copy process failed. |
AIP_COPY_TO_SUB_FOLDER | -465 | Copy folder to sub folder(dead loop). |
AIP_SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUND | -501 | Schedule file not found. |
AIP_SCHEDULE_BAD_NAME | -503 | Invalid schedule name. |
AIP_SCHEDULE_CORRUPT | -505 | Schedule corrupt. |
AIP_SCHEDULE_WRITE | -507 | Can’t write to schedule. |
AIP_SCHEDULE_BAD_PARAM | -509 | Invalid schedule parameter. |
AIP_SCHEDULE_DISABLE_ERROR | -510 | Schedule disable error. |
AIP_SCHEDULE_DELETE_ERROR | -511 | Schedule delete error. |
AIP_DEDUP_ERROR | -521 | Dedupe error. |
AIP_FILE_NOT_FOUND | -551 | File not found. |
AIP_FILE_PATH_NAME_TOO_LONG | -552 | file path name too long. |
AIP_FILE_NOT_OPEN | -553 | No open file. |
AIP_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN | -555 | File already open. |
AIP_FILE_EOF | -557 | End of file. |
AIP_FILE_ERROR | -559 | Error writing to file. |
AIP_PC_NOT_FOUND | -560 | Computer not found. |
AIP_PC_NOT_CONNECTED | -561 | Computer not connected. |
AIP_PC_NO_MAC_ADDRESS | -562 | Computer MAC address not found. |
AIP_PC_PUSHPORTNOTOPEN | -563 | Port for push install not open. |
AIP_PC_NO_AIP | -564 | Computer no AIP. |
AIP_DB_NOT_FOUND | -565 | |
AIP_VM_NOT_FOUND | -567 | |
AIP_SOCKET_ERROR | -571 | Socket error. |
AIP_COMMUNICATON_ERROR | -572 | Communication data from wire is not as suppose. |
AIP_WRONGREMOTE_PASSWORD | -573 | Wrong password for remote control. |
AIP_ANOTHER_REQUEST_ONGOING | -575 | Communication data from wire is not as suppose. |
AIP_REMOTE_ERROR | -581 | Error connecting to remote computer. |
AIP_USER_ERROR | -583 | Error logging on a remote user. |
AIP_INVALID_USER | -585 | User is not an admin of remote computer. |
AIP_WEBDAV_ERROR | -587 | WebDAV error. |
AIP_FTP_ERROR | -588 | FTP error. |
AIP_AZURE_ERROR | -589 | AZURE error. |
AIP_LOGON_ERROR | -591 | Error logging on as network user. |
AIP_INVALID_NET_PASSWORD | -593 | Password is incorrect. |
AIP_HTTP_REPONSE_ERROR | -594 | Error in response from the HTTP server. |
AIP_TRACKING_DRIVER | -601 | Sector Tracking driver not installed. |
AIP_NOT_TRACKING | -603 | Source volume is not being tracked. |
AIP_INVALID_BASE | -605 | Tracking was started using a different base image. |
AIP_EMAIL_CONFIG | -611 | E-mail not configured. |
AIP_EMAIL_ERROR | -612 | E-mail Server return an error. |
AIP_PUSHFILE_ERROR | -620 | Push file from client to server error. |
AIP_CONNECT_HOST_ERROR | -621 | Connect ESXi/Hyper-v host error. |
AIP_CREATE_VM_ERROR | -622 | Create VM error. |
AIP_CREATE_VDISK_ERROR | -623 | Create VHD error. |
AIP_CREATE_NIC_ERROR | -624 | Create NIC error. |
AIP_UPDATE_VMX_ERROR | -625 | Update VMX file error. |
AIP_CREATE_SHARED_FOLDER | -626 | Create shared folder error. |
AIP_DELETE_VM_ERROR | -627 | Delete VM error. |
AIP_CONNECT_VM_ERROR | -628 | Connect VM error. |
AIP_CHANGE_CBT_ERROR | -629 | Change CBT error. |
AIP_CREATE_SNAPSHOT_ERROR | -630 | Create Snapshot error. |
AIP_REMOVE_SNAPSHOT_ERROR | -631 | Remove Snapshot error. |
AIP_PIPELINE_ERROR | -701 | Aip Pipeline Error. |
AIP_DISK_FULL_ERROR | -702 | Disk full. |
AIP_UNSUPPORTED_PACKAGE | -703 | unsupported install package. |
AIP_RFE_NOT_FOUND_HELPER | -704 | Missing the file ‘rfehelper.exe’. |
AIP_RFE_INVALID_LOCAL_PASSWORD | -705 | Invalid username & password for local pc. |
AIP_RFE_EMPTY_REMOTE_USER | -706 | Empty username for remote pc. |
AIP_RFE_INVALID_REMOTE_PASSWORD | -707 | Invalid username & password for remote pc. |
AIP_RFE_TARGET_PATH_NOT_A_DIRECTORY | -708 | Target path is not directory. |
AIP_RFE_CONNECTION_FAILED | -709 | Connection failed. |
AIP_RFE_SAME_NAME_EXISTING | -710 | Same Name error for file/folder copy and rename. |
AIP_RFE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | -711 | Connection timeout. |
AIP_RFE_CONNECTION_REFUSED | -712 | Connection refused. |
AIP_RFE_PATH_NOT_FOUND | -713 | Path not found. |
AIP_RFE_OPEN_DIR_FAILED | -714 | Open directory failed. |
AIP_MYSQL_NOTRUNNING | -720 | MySQL is not running. |
AIP_ERROR_PASS_UNAME | -730 | Error connecting to MySQL. |
AIP_ERROR_NO_UPDATE | -740 | No new updates are available. |
AIP_ERROR_HTTP_UPDATE | -741 | Error occured in the HTTP/HTTPS request. |
AIP_ERROR_HTTP_NOINIT | -742 | HTTP lib is not initalized. |
AIP_ERROR_AU_NONE | -750 | |
AIP_ERROR_VM_RUNNING | -760 | Target VM is running. |
AIP_ERROR_HOST_MAINTAINMODE | -761 | Host is in maintenance mode. |
AIP_DISK_LAYOUT_ERROR | -800 | Virtual disk partition layout couldn’t be read. |
AIP_NO_LICENSE_PROTECT | -901 | No Protection. |
AIP_LICENSE_EXPIRED | -902 | License or evaluation term has expired. |
AIP_LICENSE_ACTIVATED | -903 | License is already activated. |
AIP_INVALID_LICENSE_DATA | -904 | Serial number or activation key is invalid. |
AIP_ACTIVATION_SUCCESS | -905 | The activation is success. |
AIP_IT_LICENSE_EXPIRED | -906 | License term has expired for the IT Pro edition. |
AIP_LICENSE_ERROR | -910 | Common license error. |
AIP_LICENSE_KEY_MISSING | -911 | Product key missing in registry. |
AIP_LICENSE_KEY_TAMPERED | -912 | Product key tampered in registry. |
AIP_LICENSE_KEY_NOSUPPORT | -913 | Product key not support. |
AIP_LICENSE_KEY_INVALID | -914 | Invalid license key. |
AIP_LICENSE_ONLINE_ERROR | -915 | Error during run online activation. |
AIP_LICENSE_KEY_EXPIRED | -916 | Product key install limit expired |
AIP_MAP_DRIVE_INVALID | -920 | Drive to map is invalid or in use. |
AIP_NETCFG_NO_DATA | -930 | Get Adapters info failed. |
AIP_NETCFG_ADAPTER_ERROR | -931 | Get Adapters info failed. |
AIP_NETCFG_SET_IP_ERROR | -932 | Set ip failed. |
AIP_NETCFG_SET_DNS_ERROR | -933 | Set dns failed. |
AIP_NETCFG_IP_USED_ERROR | -934 | IP already used. |
AIP_NETCFG_WRITE_REG_ERROR | -935 | Write registry failed. |
AIP_NETCFG_RELEASE_IP_ERROR | -936 | Release IP failed. |
AIP_NETCFG_RENEW_IP_ERROR | -937 | Renew IP failed. |
AIP_NETCFG_LOAD_INTERFACE_ERROR | -938 | Load Adapter interface info failed. |
AIP_NO_DLL | -950 | Dll not found. |
AIP_NO_FUNCTION | -951 | Function in Dll not found. |
AIP_UNKNOWN_DLL_EXCEPTION | -952 | Function unknown exception in DLL. |
AIP_NO_NET_FRAMEWORK | -953 | No .net framework found. |
AIP_NO_HYPERVISOR | -954 | No Hypervisor found. |
AIP_TIMEOUT_ERROR | -990 | Time out error. |
AIP_WIN32_ERROR | -999 | Some unexpected Windows error. |
ERROR_NO_SHAREFOLDER | -88880001 | |
ERROR_COMMAND_LINE | -88880002 | |
ERROR_OPEN_SCM | -88880003 | |
ERROR_INST_SERVICE | -88880004 | |
ERROR_START_SERVICE | -88880005 | |
ERROR_COPY_FILE | -88880006 | |
ERROR_PIPE_INIT | -88880007 | |
ERROR_PIPE_WRITE | -88880008 | |
ERROR_PASS_UNAME | -88880009 | |
ERROR_SERVICE_LOGON | -88880101 | |
ERROR_SERVICE_SPAWN | -88880102 | |
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