When using ActiveImage Deploy USB 4.x or later, a support information file is created in the second partition (labeled "Image Data") of the boot environment only if a task abnormally terminates. For support information files after a task's normal termination, follow the provided operating procedures.
Operating Procedures
1) Press [Ctrl:] + [Alt] key and [c] key. Launch command prompt and run FileExplorer.exe.
X:\Program Files\ActiveImage Protector\FileExplorer.exe
2) FileExplorer is launched. Please check the label of Image Data and see which drive letter is assigned, for example, Image Data (E:).
3) End FileExplorer and run "SupportInfo.exe" to obtain support information file.
Details of the command
SupportInfo.exe <Path to Destination > <Support Information File Name>
Ex) When generating the support information file "" in Image Data (E:)
X:\Program Files\ActiveImage Protector\>SupportInfo.exe E:\supportinfo
During the creation of the support information file, you may encounter errors related to commands like "msinfo32, systeminfo, vssadmin," which are not usable in the boot environment. When the prompt appears, it indicates that the support information file is being generated.
Target Product
- ActiveImage Deploy USB 4.x
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