If using multiple USB RDX cartridges with default settings, replacing the initial cartridge with a different one causes backup to fail with error -403 (destination path not found).
A backup error occurs because the UUID of the initial cartridge differs from that of the replacement, causing AIP to see the destination as incorrect.
Log records
11/12/2024 02:14:11.235 {IDS_STRING3177}Getting profile information <task name>
11/12/2024 02:14:11.238 {IDS_STRING3203}USB destination not found
11/12/2024 02:14:11.238 {IDS_STRING3030}Error reading profile Level = ERROR[2]
11/12/2024 02:14:11.348 [1731377650] {IDS_STRING3091}Creating image using: <task name>
11/12/2024 02:14:11.348 {IDS_STRING3018}Exit Code: -403
11/12/2024 02:14:11.348 [-403] Path not found
11/12/2024 02:14:11.440 {IDS_STRING3013}Processed 0.00 GB in 00:00:01 ID=1731377650; {IDS_STRING3019}1 Errors; {IDS_STRING3009}There were errors during the operation.
In the AIP window, go to [Preference] > [Backup Settings] > [General Backup Settings] and enable the [Multiple USB device destinations in one profile] option.
Target Product
- ActiveImage Protector 2022
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